Our client experience interacting with us...
David is an amazing Coach, A fantastic philosopher, a great guide. He is a very passionate performer and also a very compassionate human being... He is a very special person in our life and will remain so forever. He is our first coach, who taught us life principles and endorsed our value system. Thank you David for coming into our life...
Well the first time I met David... I had the privilege of being booted out of a goal setting workshop for turning up late... Was happy to go back to work then... But in the hindsight I truly regret having missed that program...
Having worked with David, he is one of those very few trainers who can create the case for change in behaviour post the program... His genuine interest in personal development and unique delivery makes a compelling appeal to participants to consider trying out the methods of self-development suggested... He also does not go by just a surface need and is ever willing to dig deep to find out the actual problem / need which also is a very important trait...
Overall definitely among the top notch trainers I have interacted with..
David has opened up an altogether new dimension about "the powers of me-time" and the wonders it can do for further up-skilling ones skillets...
With his persuasive yet candid style of interactions, he was able to draw me to the philosophy beneath extracting and tapping the deepest core of energies and potential, through various meditative and introspective routes..
While I am still taking baby steps in this direction, am quite sure of the remarkable effects it has already taken in bringing about a certain calmness and assuredness in my mind and thereby reflecting in my actions; while I multitask at work and home each day...
Thank you David!
I met David when studying NLP with NLP Academy. He is a very warm, wise and intuitive person with a great sprinkling of fun and a joy to work with on our journey of learning.
October 4, 2012, Lindsey studied with David at NLP Academy (under stewardship of John Grinder - NLP Founder)